Palm Tree / 2:35 am & Other stories-

A poem/ December 10, 2014


By Crystal Granderson-Reid

Salty waters ware on me. 
And soon, the mighty sea will reign victorious.
She always does.

But for now, I bend into the pain.
My roots exposed, decaying at the hand of nature's bitter exfoliant,

The salt has its way with me.

And yet, I sway amid the wind's prolific breath.

My trunk, a beautiful sun-washed gray, 

protects an inner beauty that unprompted, 
sprouts silky, yellow strips.

My blackened tips kiss an intense Caribbean sun.

Demise is imminent,
But I stand tall.
Slender and radiant as the sun,
My feet tattered beyond repair, 
Ripped apart by that which grounds me.

Though I know, horror is but a pale whisper compared to hope. 
For in this moment,
I'm alive.

Copyright 2014


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